It’s something that I’ve been doing, to be frank, this whole time throughout our journey. The key thing here is that it’s something that we’ve been doing.

You know, it’s a great question for that. And this is where it’s critical to have the frame of mind that combines all the different areas of the business and all the different aspects of a product and everything that comes into play and having the technical understanding of that as well, which is not always a given, in order to be able to succeed and scale. You can’t do engineering in a vacuum, or product management in a vacuum, or commercial work in a vacuum. There’s a lot of stuff that has to happen, but they’re all synergistic. But there’s no question that there’s a lot of balls to juggle. And that’s something that I absolutely still am hands on in. As we scale up, it’s still absolutely critical to not just keep a pulse on product and product development, but still to be able to shape that with the same vision that you have and make sure that stays on track, make sure that we can easily drive forward with all the new inputs that you have and continuously shape the future of how you see that playing out. Obviously in the beginning it was all that, 100 percent just diving deep with the team.